Our award-winning Software-as-a-Service e-bill and simplified e-payment solution will be showcased at the ICE Conference in late October. This event is the insurance industry’s most informative payment, credit and collection conference of the year and will be held at the Hyatt Regency St. Louis Riverfront. AcceptEmail will be demonstrating its solution and answering questions about, what many insurance industry insiders across Europe refer to as, the new standard in premium e-bill and e-payment technology.
Launched in 2006 in The Netherlands, where it holds a 95% market share, Amsterdam-based AcceptEmail was recently selected as one of the top 20 Innovative Fintech Companies by the European Tech Tour Association. After its success across Europe with some of the world’s largest insurance industry participants (e.g. Allianz, Aegon, AON, Zurich) AcceptEmail has introduced its solution in North America. Much of its success can be attributed to the cloud-based solution’s ability to effectively support highly mobile business owners, management personnel and digitally-savvy, smart device-centric consumers through its messaging-oriented delivery and payment functionality. In addition to demonstrating its product, the AcceptEmail team will step through how carriers and agencies can leverage its service to quickly and cost-effectively migrate paper bill-based customers to an e-bill and e-pay relationship while reducing overall billing costs and bill-to-premium-payment turnaround time.
To schedule a one-on-one discussion with AcceptEmail in advance of the ICE conference, please contact us or call Beau Peters – North America Business Development, directly at (913) 219-8421.
The 2016 ICE Conference is hosted by the Hyatt Regency St. Louis at the Arch located at 315 Chestnut St.in St. Louis, MO, October 24–26.