We can optimize your AcceptEmails for Go-To Actions. With authorized Go To Actions all the relevant information is displayed in the preview of your customers inbox. Go-To Actions add more convenience and improve the customer experience for a large part of your customer base.
Users of Gmail and Inbox are probably familiar with these small text links in the previews of their inbox. When making a dinner reservation, Google will add a route to the restaurant; a check-in link of your booked flight appears automatically a day before your departure; and the payment button is shown automatically in your preview when the bill is presented. At a click of a button and the bill is paid. Go-To Actions make paying bills easy without your customer even having to open his email. Go-To Actions add convenient interactions to emails so your customer can work through his inbox faster. By adding Go-To Actions to AcceptEmails your customers get triggered for action and bills get paid faster.
Whitelisted by Google
Google has some strict controls in place to make sure that actions only show up for good senders. This means that you must authenticate your domain, and register to be whitelisted with Google. Don’t worry if this all sounds difficult or time-consuming. We know the requirements and we have the knowledge to implement this for you. The only thing billers need to do is contact us.