Serrala at the Dia - How financial software helps innovate insurance

We were one of the sixty chosen companies to present our solution on the Show & Tell stage at the DIA conference in Amsterdam last June. The DIA is the leading conference worldwide for InsurTech companies to share their innovations for the insurance sector. It is a place to connect with other innovators in the insurance industry and keep us up to date with all the new trends.

This time our solution architect, Jeroen Dekker, and Solution Success Director RTP, Bart de Vries, demonstrated our unique cross-channel bill presentment and payment strategy in front of 1250 participants. Insurers rely on Serrala to collect payments through digital mandates for direct debits, bringing an alternative to direct debit, taking care of reconciliation of payments sending reminders, and being flexible in collections. How people pay their bills is a crucial part of the customer experience. 


Pushing payment requests with our omnichannel solution provides choice, convenience, and clarity to customers; wherever someone chooses to pay, the message is instantly updated across all these different channels. This solution helps insurance companies around the world by simplifying the payment process for their customers, as well as; improving the customer payment experience by offering the payment methods their customers prefer and making the process as convenient as possible. One of the features that got additional attention is the option to pay later, which offers customers the payment flexibility they may need. We displayed a real-time example to show how quick and easy it is to use.


Besides the demonstration, we also had a booth where insurance providers and other innovators could ask questions and discuss their challenges with us. To watch the demonstration, click here or on the button below! 

You can also find us in the DIA TOP 100 InsurTech companies to watch in 2021, next to other highly innovative InsurTech companies that are changing the world of insurance. We were selected since our request-to-pay solution realizes significantly higher payment conversion rates and the customer friendliness of the process. For more information, click here or on the button below!


                         Dia top 100                                     Serrala at the DIA 2022       



Jeroen Dekker

Jeroen Dekker
Jeroen Dekker joined Serrala Solutions in 2016 after 15 years at international B2B software companies as bridge between market(ing) and product. He was product manager and spokesperson for the Financial Crime Risk Management Solutions of Fiserv. Jeroen holds degrees from the Haarlem Business School and Northern Arizona University.

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